Shipping Information


Order Confirmation

A confirmation email will be sent to you once the order needs authorization. We begin preparing your order immediately after it is verified. With this sort of time frame, it makes it difficult for us to change or cancel your order, however, we will do our best to support your request.


It usually takes 1-3 business days for your order. We will send you an email if the processing time takes longer than expected. The fulfillment location may vary, it is based upon where the inventory is stored. 

Shipping within United States

 Shipping Method Ship Time Delivery Time Carrier
Flat Rate Shipping Within 48 Business Hours 3-7 Business Days UPS, Fedex, USPS, Amazon, others

Shipping cost within United States

Free shipping with order $19 & above. Shipping cost is calculated by weight.

Weight Rate
0-2 lbs $5
2-3 lbs $6
3-4 lbs $7


Track your order

Please log in to user account, you will see all the orders and their status. If the order is shipped, the tracking information will be provided. We will also e-mail you if there is any unsuccessful delivery. 

Important notice:

1. Delivery time is estimated and commences from the date of shipping, rather than the date of order, and can take longer than expected date due to invalid address, customs clearance procedures or other causes.

2. Please submit a ticket within 15 days of shipment if the package does not arrive in time, our representative will get back to you within 24 hours. Note that overdue requests may not be accepted.

Custom tax or duty

Normally customers will not be charged of any additional fees via regular mail. However, due to increasingly strict customs inspection, sometimes customers may have to pay tariff. If there are any duties or fees due to customs inspections or any other fees you were charged, please keep the receipt of the payment and contact our customer service by submitting a ticket. 

Need help?

If you need assistance, please contact, our professional customer service will be there to help.